domingo, febrero 10

¡¡El nacimiento de las estrellas de internet!!

¡¡Con todos vosotros tenemos a Wendyyyy! y su maravillosa presentadora...

miércoles, febrero 6

Movimiento Campesino

Amigos y amigas:

I´ve been documenting a farmer´s march from Juárez, on the border, to México City, due to arrive on January 31. The Movimiento Campesino Francisco Villa (Pancho Villa ring a bell?) left Juárez on Jan. 18. There are many stops along the way, following the route that Villa and the northern revolutionaries took from the north in 1913. The march is focusing on Food Sovereignty and the re-negotiation of the Agrarian portion of NAFTA, especially the part dealing with corn and beans, both Mexican staples, both deeply important to Mexican culture and the independence of the Mexican people. Since NAFTA was signed in 1992, more than 6 million Mexicans have emigrated to the U.S. looking for work, because the rural economy that once sustained them has been systematically undermined. The people in the march, and the sympathizers along the way are all in favor of rescuing the rural economies of Mexico, something that would help to stem the exodus of hundreds of thousands of Mexicans each year.

So, here are some photos of the march. I will send others whenever I can. My pen name for the trip is David L. Read, recalling John Reed who accompanied Villa on his march south. Insurgent Mexico tells the tale of that journey, much of which transpired in Chihuahua.

See you at the Zocalo.


(C) David Lauer